For the Record…
■ I’m not voting for Trump
■ I’m not voting for Clinton
■ I’m not Voting for Johnson
■ I’m not Voting for Stein
■ I’m voting for a candidate who fits my values and political and personal temperament and lately, a person who has the fitness for office.
Frankly, it ain’t any of your business.
But ….
it’s not a protest vote.
it’s not a situation where I am throwing my vote away
( because, this “‘the vote, this time’ is just too important” … “…too important to Whom?” BS but a topic for another time.) for any such other nonsense that the good right-thinking people” have offered.
If you cannot accept that I can be nonaligned and use my intelligence and somehow manage to retain my sanity to see past the partisanship (and military grade narcissism)
not accept the low-hanging fruit the media and the political parties offer, Please unfollow me .. because I’m fed up with the vapid the superficial, and the clueless. The trouble is .. you will never know who you are.